The Training, Certification and Membership Body for Professional Cuddlers

Our members are the heart and soul of our organisation, helping to protect people's mental health and well-being and promoting professional cuddling as a valuable holistic therapy. We love to to celebrate the great work that they do!
In Member Spotlight we invite a CPI member to tell us a little bit about their Cuddle Therapy career, how they help to combat touch deprivation and what they are passionate about. We invite them to share their achievements, tips and ambitions, allowing you to keep up to date with what others are up to in the Cuddle Therapy world. If you would like to be featured in the CPI Member Spotlight, then please get in touch with us.

Marianna Hollosi
Professional name: Marianna Hollosi, Founder of Love and Beyond
Title or occupation: Intuitive Transformation Coach and Cuddle Therapist
How long have you been a CPI member? Since September 2022
A fun fact or a quote: "Everything you truly love lies in the direction your heart wants to go"
"I did not come here to teach you.
I came here to love you.
Love will teach you."​
How has your career benefited from being a CPI member? I find that people coming from CPI's website already have more trust towards me and cuddle therapy given they've found me in an official directory. Being a member also helped me to be chosen for various projects and interviews which I am forever grateful for.
Any tips or advice for new members? Clear communication is everything. Have a consultation before booking people in so potential clients already can feel safe asking all their questions, the session is explained and the platonic nature of the session is understood. I've never had any misunderstanding since I operated this way.
If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be and why? I'd love to be on Steven Bartlett's, Jay Shetty and/or Mel Robbins' podcast to spread the word about cuddle therapy, as most people still haven't heard of it and have no idea how beneficial it can be in all levels of life - mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual.
Who is someone who's made a big impact on your life? Why? That would be my best friend from the past. He introduced me to the world of spirituality, quantum and energy. He taught me how to meditate and that created a deep connection with myself. I am a feeler so this all resonates with me. Every emotion is stored in the body and that's how I connect, and that's how my love creates changes in others. Love overwrites the lower frequencies of sadness, grief, anger etc.
What's a project you're working on right now? Why is it meaningful to you? I am launching my 5-week coaching programme, which is a unique way to find out whether one uses the Power of Thoughts and the Power of Emotions to disempower or empower oneself. If it is the former, how to change that to create the life one desires. It is also an amazing foundation to build self love through the Power of Love. I'm also creating my 2-day Immersion with Marianna, and my long-term programme to work with people who have had enough of the way their life feels and really want to create the life their heart desires.
How do you define success? A truly loving relationship with ourselves, with others, with life and the world around us is the ultimate success for me. I noticed that most people have what is called success according to societal norms, but they feel unfulfilled and/or still carry pain, trauma, attachments and all sorts of heaviness in their hearts.
What is the biggest career challenge you've had to overcome? Realising that it's not enough to be an amazing therapist and a fantastic coach, but that I need to become a business woman too.
What has been your biggest professional achievement? When sexually/physically abused people tell me during/after a session that it was their first time they felt safe and secure or loved in their life is the best feeling ever. Also, being on TV and numerous radio channels including the BBC and Times Radio.
Future goals and aspirations for your career? Becoming the first transformation coach in London who uses cuddle therapy as one of their methodologies. I want to talk on stage to inspire people to become the best versions of themselves.

What are you reading or listening to?
The last book I read was The Magician's Way by William Whitecloud after I did his Create Your Destiny course in November. This is my favourite book of all time. My next book will be The Queen's Code by Alison A. Armstrong. I'm listening to Your Wish is Your command by Kevin Trudeau.
Do you have any hobbies? The gym is one of my happy places. I like weight-lifting. I also love being in nature. I find it extremely peaceful and grounding.
A recent movie you watched that you loved: Collateral beauty with Will Smith. It's one of my favourite movies and we watched it with my mum when she visited me last autumn.
What would be the theme song of your life right now? Aw. I could tell you my biography in songs. The one I can't stop listening to is Cure My Desire by Hannah Wants featuring Clementine Douglas.
What excites you the most right now? I'm stepping into my soul's calling. I'm not only going to guide people with the Power of Touch but I'm going to be teaching them to use the Power of their Thoughts and Emotions too. I am excited as I am going to help so many people to return to Love.
What's your favourite memory? My favourite memory is from last summer when for my birthday I received a sports car racing experience and I drove an Aston Martin and an Ariel Atom on the track. The Aston Martin was the best thrill I've had for many years.
Fun fact that people probably don't know about you? My dad wanted me to be a boy, and it was a real journey to become a feminine woman. I was a fishing champion when young and my dad gifted me a toolbox when I moved in with my first partner!
Click the image to listen to Marianna's Podcast
Thank you, Marianna!
To book a session with Marianna, please visit her website