The Training, Certification and Membership Body for Professional Cuddlers


Last month we welcomed nearly 2,500 visitors to our website, and our members are reporting a huge increase in bookings post-pandemic.
To become a Cuddle Professionals International Member you must successfully complete
our certified Cuddle Professionals Diploma Course
CPI Membership Benefits :
Your detailed profile and photo in the CPI Member Directory (£45 annually to remain a certified CPI member)
Access to exclusive insurance cover through IICT and/or the CMA for your cuddle practice (cost not included)
The opportunity to be featured in our Member Spotlight.
Access to our dedicated Member's Area, containing details of insurance and downloadable logos and graphics for use on your website, marketing materials and social media pages
Regular Zoom meetings with Claire and other CPI members
Facebook and Instagram networking
On-going support from CPI through the set-up and running of your new business.
Exclusive Insurance Cover through the CMA or IICT
CPI members can arrange insurance cover for their cuddle practice through the CMA and the IICT. This are the only insurance policies that currently recognise cuddling as a legitimate holistic therapy, and they are exclusive to CPI graduate members.
Use of CPI's Logos and Initials
CPI logos are accessible to download from the Member's Area. You can use them on your business cards, website, marketing materials
and social media pages. You will also be entitled to use CPI initials after your name, to show that you are a member of an ethical and professional trade association.
Potential clients are actively searching for accredited cuddle practitioners like you. Your CPI membership and directory profile will allow prospective clients to search for suitably qualified and insured cuddle professional in their area.
Instagram and Facebook
Cuddle Professionals International is on Instagram and Facebook of course, so you can participate, communicate and network with us, other CPI members and potential clients.
CPD Points
We are a registered CPD Centre, and our Diploma Course carries 30 CPD points. CPD enables learning to become conscious and proactive, rather than passive and reactive. It’s an important part of continually making personal improvements, even after finishing formal education.
Find out more about professional cuddling from one of our members
Listen to an interview with one of our members, Mel from Your Embrace Space